Ultra Non-Ablative Skin Resurfacing

Lutronic ULTRA Laser Skin and Hair Teratment

Bid farewell to hair loss and dull skin, as you restore thicker and glossier hair and revive soft smooth skin! All this could be possible At NuMi Aesthetics, as we introduce the Lutronic ULTRA Laser, a modern hair regrowth and skin rejuvenation technology.

By regenerating critical skin tissue with non-ablative fractionated energy, ULTRA Laser helps rebuild a stronger and more confident you. It’s a highly personalized treatment that can range from mild to rigorous, and it requires no downtime for you. Thus, by combining the Lutronic ULTRA Laser with our latest Keralase, Ultra, and UltraGlow treatments, we can give a one-stop solution for all of your hair restoration needs & refreshing skin.

Book a session with our skilled medical aesthetics experts for the best laser hair restoration in Salem, NH. Say hello to a life of opportunities with luscious hair & spotless skin!

Lutronic UltraGlo Laser Treatment

The Lutronic UltraGlo Treatment is sure to bring radiance in your skin with its ultra gentle treatment powered by the Ultra laser.

We bring you this innovative approach to rejuvenate your skin to its finest form. The treatment may warm the skin, influence a brightening tone and smoothing texture, all our aesthetics experts ensure you’re in the maximum comfort.

While the treatment times range from 5 to 15 minutes, UltraGlo seamlessly integrates this skincare journey into your busy schedule without interrupting your daily routine or lifestyle.

A reminder from the experts, immediately after the treatment, you may notice some redness, which quickly fades over the next few hours. In the following days, your skin will reveal a fresher, clearer complexion – that’s the magic of UltraGlo!

Lutronic Ultra Laser Treatment

Experience the finest Lutronic Ultra treatment at NuMi Aesthetics, the premier Skincare Treatment Near Salem, NH. A trusted partner for your aesthetics!

The Ultra treatment is done by applying a numbing cream for a virtually painless experience. The sensation is often described as a gentle warmth and tingling, offering a soothing experience.

The treatments are usually done in flexible sessions, as it may last from 5 to 20 minutes or longer, depending on your specific needs. Afterward, you may notice some redness, which typically diminishes within a day.

Over the next 5-6 days, your skin may develop a dry, sandpaper-like texture. We assure you there’s nothing to get worried about, since it is part of the process as your skin exfoliates, revealing fresher, clearer skin.

The benefits of using Lutronic ULTRA Laser for Ultra skin treatment are manifold, as it can be used on the Face, Neck, or Chest (décolleté), effectively treating mild to moderate skin concerns.

KeraLase Laser Hair Treatment

The dream of having luscious and thicker hair is easier than ever, as our medical aesthetics experts understand the key to a fuller & thicker hair and healthier scalp lies in modern solutions.
We exclusively bring you the Keralase In-Office Therapy and KeraFactor Topical Serum, with NuMi Aesthetics start a journey to healthier hair and a revitalized scalp.

Keralase In-Office Therapy is a relaxing, non-invasive, and quick treatment that takes less than 10 minutes, making it simpler to schedule a session around your hectic schedule. Return to your routine immediately, with no downtime in your lifestyle.

Keralase Therapy incorporates the Lutronic LaseMD, a modern laser technology that improves the absorption characteristics of your scalp. This one-of-a-kind method prepares your scalp to be more responsive to the potent KeraFactor serum.

Our medical aesthetics experts use KeraFactor to target identified deficits and concerns that can impair scalp health. It’s a proprietary blend of five bio-identical growth factors and two skin proteins, all carefully chosen to help with thinning hair. KeraFactor is distinguished by its high concentrations and nanoliposome administration, which ensures increased absorption.

The Keralase treatment normally lasts three months, however our doctors can provide various treatment options that suit your specific requirements upon scheduling. You can expect stunning results on hair restoration within the next 12-18 months after the treatment is completed!

Frequently Asked Question

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.